Wellbeing and Mental Health Training for Schools

Led by Sam Moinet - World-Leader in Teacher Coach Training

We have worked with…

The Educators Coaching Academy (ECA) has transformed mental health support in international education since 2018.


The challenges that we face in education can seem daunting, especially when you read statistics like 75% of mental health issues are established before the age of 18 and 77% of school staff said they experienced low mental health due to their work.

Two For One

Investing in the ECA programme gives your teachers a range of skills, tools and strategies to better support the wellbeing of their students. However, in learning these new coaching techniques, your teachers go through their own journey of personal development, growth and new found resilience. 

“My mental health has drastically improved since starting the ECA programme, because I applied the resources we used in my own life. I feel I am now able to take time for myself and that has been a game changer.”

-Teacher, Birtenshaw Group, UK

The 5I Road Map

The ECA uses a revolutionary and entirely unique approach called the 5I System
which is proven to transform the mental health of both teaching staff and students.

Tell me more

Our Time at St.Julian’s School